January 16, 2024 Reflection – Adore Him Alone!!

Adore Him Alone!!!   January 16, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Our message for today speaks the truth very strongly. Our Lady was very serious on the day she gave it to us. And she remains serious. There is much at stake in our time. And we are so very fortunate to have been called […]

January 12, 2024 Reflection – When Jesus saw their faith…

When Jesus saw their faith…   January 12, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! In today’s gospel reading, Jesus is in Capernaum, in His home. Everyone finds out, and they fill the house and the area around the house, hoping to see and hear Him. Then four men carry a paralytic to the house, and finding […]

January 11, 2024 Reflection – Witness Courageously!

Witness Courageously! The Peace March in Medjugorje   January 11, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Today we are going to learn about courage from Our Lady! We face in our day many challenging situations. But Our Lady does not want us to be wimps!!!! She needs us to be courageous even as she was courageous […]

January 10, 2024 Reflection – Only Humility can heal you…

Only humility can heal you!!!   January 10, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady gives us a good talking to in this message. She doesn’t want us stumbling along without knowing the truth about life. Like a good mother, she speaks the truth to us, boldly and with great love. I think this message […]

January 9, 2024 Reflection – Witnesses of Hope

Witnesses of hope!   January 9, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady has spoken about the future several times throughout these 42 years. Whenever she does, it helps me. First of all she helps me because when she speaks about the future, I realize that I have a future! The darkness of our time […]

January 5, 2024 Reflection – Your children and your children’s children!

Your children and your children’s children!   January 5, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Here again is the message Our Lady gave to us through Marija on January 1, 2024: “During the moment of the apparition, Our Lady came joyfully! She prayed over us!. And at the end, she said, ‘Thank you for having responded to my […]

January 4, 2024 Reflection – The Future is Gods!

Marija greets Our Lady, January 1, 2024   January 4, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! My heart keeps returning to the wonderful experience we all had on New Year’s Day! On that day , thousands of people joined the visionary Marija on Apparition Hill at 3:00 pm to pray. They were responding to Our Lady’s […]

January 3, 2024 Reflection – The Most Holy Name of Jesus

The Most Holy Name of Jesus   January 3, 2024 Dear Family of Mary! Today we celebrate the glory of the Most Holy Name of Jesus! How many times in a day do we say the Name of Jesus? If we pray the Rosary even once, it is many times that Jesus’ name is on […]