Dear Apostles of Our Lady of Medjugorje:
When Cathy awoke, she immediately felt a lightening of her spirit. Something had been lifted. She felt a new joy! Later that day we saw the announcement: the Croatian Bishop of Hvar, Mons. Petar Palic (who was eight years old when Our Lady started appearing in Medjugorje) had just been named the new Bishop of Mostar! Cathy believes grace for conversion through Our Lady’s presence is now going to explode…
We have a lot of reasons to rejoice. The Permanent Papal Visitor just returned to Medjugorje and a great apostle of Our Lady of Medjugorje, Fr. Daniel Klimek was just ordained to the priesthood. Fr. Daniel’s series “Living the Message” and his “Fruit of Medjugorje” episodes (# 009 and # 227) can still be viewed on Mary TV.
Oxford University Press published Fr. Daniel’s PhD dissertation on the medical studies conducted on the visionaries. His work brings empirical scientific evidence in support of the authenticity of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje. (And the world’s most prestigious academic publisher insisted the word “Medjugorje” be in the book’s title.)
Remembering a prophecy given by Fr. Michael Scanlan in 1976, that it appears is being fulfilled today, a Catholic evangelist recently asked:
It’s going to take conversion!
Conversion comes only by grace. Conversion is offered from Heaven!
We’ve all been watching the devil play his hand. Now let’s watch the “ace up the sleeve” of the Father for these times. “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!” (St. Pope John Paul ll, November 24, 1990).
Cathy wrote about it in today’s reflection. Here is the link:
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Also, this year’s youth festival will take place from August 1 to 6, in Medjugorje – And since the boarders are still closed only the young people from the local area will be able to attend. But the entire event will be live-streamed as usual through Mary TV! We will be very busy that week!!
Thank you and God bless you!
Denis Nolan
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