(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2017
Dear Family of Mary!
“…Apostles of my love, I am turning to you as a mother. I am gathering you around myself and I desire to lead you on the way of love and faith, on the way which leads to the light of the world. I am here for the sake of love, for the sake of faith, because with my motherly blessing I desire to give you hope and strength on your way – because the way which leads to my Son is not easy. It is full of renunciation, giving, sacrifice, forgiveness and much, much love. But this way leads to peace and happiness…” (February 2, 2018)
In this mid-section of the February 2, 2018 message, Our Lady prepares us for the season of Lent. She assures us that she comes to us as our mother. She says, “I am turning to you as a mother.” Mother’s love to prepare their children for the days ahead. In winter they make sure the children have warm clothes and boots. In summer, they provide sunscreen and plenty of fluids. Each school day is prepared for with a lunch and a backpack full of finished homework and all the books they brought home. You get my point. Mothers think ahead for their children and help to make the way clear of obstacles.
“I am gathering you around myself and I desire to lead you on the way of love and faith…” I think Our Lady wants to lead us during this Lent. She wants to bring us all close together by her side, and set off on the way of penance and love, together. She is such a good mother. She will show us how to live this Lent in peace, intense faith and love. I need her to lead me.
“..with my motherly blessing I desire to give you hope and strength on your way…” What if each morning this Lent we consciously asked Our Lady for her blessing so that she would lead us on the way of love and faith? What if that was our Lenten resolution? Think of what a difference it could make. Our Lady’s blessing is so powerful. To have it each day in response to her call could make all the difference. We might indeed be filled with hope and strength.
“…the way which leads to my Son is not easy. It is full of renunciation, giving, sacrifice, forgiveness and much, much love…” Our Lady gives us the program for the way which leads to Jesus. This is Lenten road we will be on. The program is:
Much, much Love!
I believe that Our Lady will teach us how to live these five things, step by step and day by day. But she tells us, “…this way leads to peace and happiness…” We have nothing to fear on such a way. We are headed in the right direction if we follow Our Mother.
With such a Mother preparing us and leading us on our Lenten way, each morning providing her blessing for us, we will have the best Lent ever!!
Can’t wait!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018
PS. Exciting new CD available on Medjmusic.com!!

Songs of Medjugorje is a CD of Roland Patzleiner’s music which he has written for Adoration and for Our Lady in Medjugorje, which is now available at medjmusic.com! Until now, it has only been available in Medjugorje. Now it can be purchased as a digital download world wide, or as a physical CD by visiting:
Roland has been living in Medjugorje for years and has written much of the Adoration music that is associated with this holy place. Adoration is considered the heart of Medjugorje. Roland’s music gives voice to the pilgrim in prayer, with simple, heart felt, holy refrains, and shapes the silence with delicate instrumental interludes. This CD, recorded by Roland himself, is a collection of his adoration songs, and a few songs that honor Our Lady!
Don’t forget Mike Nolan’s “Mary TV Soundtrack” and “Oh Jesus, We Adore You”