August 23, 2018
St. Rose of Lima
Dear Family of Mary!
Here is the message given through Ivan on August 3rd, 2018 on Apparition Hill. The priest for yesterday’s Mass (August 22) in Medjugorje spoke about it:
“Dear children, also today, I desire to call you in a special way to forgiveness. Forgive, dear children, and like this, open the way to the Holy Spirit to your heart. I pray, dear children, for all of you, and intercede for you before my Son. Pray together with me for my plans. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.” (Ivan, August 3, 2018)
The homily for English Mass on August 22, 2018 in Medjugorje:
Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ. Now and forever…
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Dear Brothers in saintly priesthood. Today we celebrate Our Lady with this title: Queen. And as I spoke at the beginning of the Mass, she here in Medjugorje, she is the Queen of Peace. Queen means to “have mercy.” And she is indeed the Queen of Mercy because she is coming here in Medjugorje for 37 years. And she is spreading her love to us. And she is spreading her love, her divine love from the person of Jesus Christ through messages, through events. And we should understand the calling of our Mother here in Medjugorje.
She is a Queen. She is the Queen of heaven and earth. But today, she’s coming in our hearts and she wants us to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. In the last message given through Ivan, one of the visionaries, she said that forgiveness opens the way to the Holy Spirit. So the key to having the Holy Spirit in our hearts, to have the divine grace, is to try to forgive. Because forgiveness means love. It means the love of God. And this is the will of God, to love one another, and to love each one with the love of God. Which means forgiveness, which means peace.
But to achieve this is not an easy feat. The key is to listen to what Our Lady, Queen of Peace is telling us here today and is telling us through her messages for 37 years. This is really mind-blowing- 37 years of apparitions! Tens of thousands of messages given to the whole world. Given to us to understand that God wants us to return to the right path. Because she is the Queen, she is the Mother who knows that her sons are not following the path of God. They are following a path that leads away from God.
And this is really the essence of Medjugorje, to return to God’s way. To fulfill His will, and to forgive and to love. So today Our Lady is telling us, I want to be the Queen of your heart. I want to be a Queen of love in your heart. But first, you have to forgive yourself. And you have to forgive everyone in your life that you cannot manage to forgive.
If we don’t have the power to forgive, we should ask Our Lady to give us this amazing power to forgive and to love. We by ourselves, we cannot forgive. Because we have this ego which is from the beginning. From the mortal sin that we inherited from Adam and Eve. And this battle between us and our ego and Satan will last until the very last moments of our lives. And this is the most important battle in our life. To forgive and to love and to understand that our enemy is not the people around us, our enemy is Satan, who wants us to be destroyed, literally.
So to fight against Satan and against our ego, we must forgive and love with the love of Our Lady, Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. And the easiest way is to pray the Rosary, to fast, to confess, to read the Bible every day, and to attend the Holy Mass. These are the five stones with which we can defeat Satan. Our Lady is telling us this through her messages.
So we must pray the Rosary. Our Lady has requested only one prayer. She requested the Rosary to be prayed all over the world. Because the Rosary is the prayer of peace. And if we pray the Rosary, personally or with others, we manage to have peace in our hearts. We manage to have forgiveness and love.
So, dear Brothers and Sisters, today I tell you with great joy that I am happy to celebrate the Mass today on the Queenship of Our Lady, and I am really happy to be in Medjugorje for the fourth time, second time as a priest, with two seminary students, and we are staying with Sr. Melinda. She has invited us here. And we want to stay here in Medjugorje as long as we can, to pray and be a sign for others that we have peace, forgiveness and love in our hearts.
Thank you to this beautiful priest who gave the homily yesterday. I do not know his name, but he spoke very clearly about the essence of Our Lady’s presence in Medjugorje. I had never realized that the five stones are actually designed to help us fight our own ego, our pride, and Satan. But it is so true! Each one of these practices help us to become smaller before God, more ready to be taught, more repentant and forgiving, and more teachable. How beautiful is Our Lady’s plan. She helps us to fight our real enemy, through her stones. The real enemy is our pride, our unforgiveness and Satan, who tries to increase our pride with his temptations.
May we live the messages of Our Lady with the heart! She has such wisdom!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018
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