October 1, 2018
St. Therese of Lisieux
Dear Family of Mary!
Hello dear friends! Hello from Medjugorje! Denis and I arrived on Friday evening, tired and happy to again be in Our Lady’s village. We will be here for two weeks, and already the time is flying by. So many graces and so many divine appointments have happened already!
I will try to give you a short account of our days here. There are never enough words to describe the peace that surrounds us in Medjugorje!! It takes over as soon as you drive in to town.
I was very motion sick upon arrival, and so Friday night is a complete blank for me, but Denis was able to visit with Tony, our host and go to Holy Mass. He travels much better than I do!
Saturday, September 29, we were able to attend English Mass at 10:00 am, with Fr. Maximilian! It was like being in heaven. Since it was the Feast of the Archangels, Fr. Max shared about the presence of St. Michael now in our world. St. Michael is fighting for us, along with Our Lady. You might want to check out his homily for English Mass – September 29, 2018, on our website! https://marytv.tv/english-mass-in-medjugorje/
Then in the afternoon we joined our wonderful team in our studio to do the Hour of Mercy and the Daily Rosary, live from Medjugorje. It is wonderful to be here and pray from our studio.

This is what it looks like from behind the cameras! Mario does a wonderful job of mixing and sending out our prayer with all of you!!
That evening we went to Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament which was held at the large open air altar at St. James. It was packed, even with cold winds blowing!

How consoling it is to see Jesus so loved!!
Then yesterday, Sunday, we had a busy day. Up early to join our friend Colleen from the States for a visit to the Blue Cross, where so many pilgrims find a chance to spend some intimate time with Our Lady, close to her statue. This spot is special. On Tuesday, Mirjana will have her apparition there, which we will record for you all to experience.

You can see the back of Denis’ head in this picture!! We were praying for all of you!
But that was not all! We then joined two more pilgrims, Cathy and Cherry, and climbed Apparition Hill. On the way down, we met Diane Beamish, another shipmate! What a joy!! It is powerful that we are all praying together in answer to Our Lady’s call. There have been many encounters with your shipmates, and I wish I could recount them all. Just know that we here are praying for all of you!

Then we again prayed Hour of Mercy and the Daily Rosary from our studio!! So now I am writing to you before Holy Mass. And now the bells are ringing for Evening Mass, so I best run along!! Just know that we are praying for you! More to follow!!
Let’s end with a message:
September 25, 2018 “Dear children! Also nature extends signs of its love to you through the fruits which it gives you. Also, you, by my coming, have received an abundance of gifts and fruits. Little children, how much you have answered to my call, God knows. I am calling you – it is not late – decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. God will bless you and give to you a hundred-fold, if you trust in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
The signs of God’s gifts and fruits are everywhere here!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV