(c)Mary TV / Anthony Zubac 2019
July 6, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
On July 5, 2019 Ivan met with his prayer group on Apparition Hill from 9:00 pm until 10:30 pm. Many people joined for prayer on the Hill that night. Here is Ivan’s description of his encounter with Our Lady that evening:
Dear Family of Mary!
On July 5, 2019 Ivan met with his prayer group on Apparition Hill from 9:00 pm until 10:30 pm. Many people joined for prayer on the Hill that night. Here is Ivan’s description of his encounter with Our Lady that evening:
Tonight Our Lady came to us very happy and joyful, and she greeted all of us with her motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children!”
After that for a longer time she prayed here over all of us with her arms extended. She blessed all of us with her motherly blessing. She blessed all that you have brought to be blessed.
Then Our Lady briefly turned to all of us with these words:
In this time I especially desire to call you to decide for God. Place God in your lives, in your families, in the first place. In these days that are passing in this world of materialism and everything that distances you from my Son, decide for me! Live my messages! I desire to continue to lead you, to lead you to my Son. In Him you will find true and real peace. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.
After that, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us.
Then I recommended all of you, all your intentions.
After that, Our Lady left in the illuminated Sign of the Cross, with the greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV